what does romeo say to show that he is not here to harm anyone but himself

Co-ordinate to Socrates (Plato, 1961) it is non in human nature to choose to human action in a way what ane believes to exist harmful, instead of a way that is adept.  He claimed that all wrong, or evil, is only done out of ignorance and non from the intention to do evil. This view appears controversial because people are known to occasionally commit deeds that are manifestly evil either out of self-interest or acting on impulse, against their all-time. All the same, when nosotros look at the logics behind man behaviours and motivation, the concept begins to brand more sense. Socrates asserted that all human deportment were driven by self-interest. He as well argued that this instinct prevents people from intentionally harming themselves and that when people do harmful things, information technology is only out of ignorance; either non knowing what volition benefit them the nearly, not knowing the right method of attaining that benefit, or not knowing how not to exercise something which is harmful to them. Socrates saw no conflict between self-interest and morality. On the contrary, he saw virtue equally the greatest benefit and maintained that immoral actions really harmed the amanuensis and could therefore only be committed out of ignorance and misunderstanding of what the greatest benefit is.  The aim of this essay is to demonstrate how information technology is possible that nobody does incorrect knowingly.

socrates painting

Right and wrong, good and bad are typically associated with human actions, and Socrates has successfully demonstrated that the motivation for every activeness is cocky-involvement. According to him, an individual will ever choose the course of action that, at the fourth dimension of decision, is perceived to bring them the greatest benefit (or the least damage) out of all available options. This is truthful even for actions that appear altruistic. For instance, someone who gives money to charity does and so because it makes them feel skillful and they perceive the pleasure derived from helping people as a greater benefit than spending the money on themselves. What an individual perceives every bit the best course of action may not necessarily align with what they want. As Socrates tells Polus (Plato, 2013) that one chooses to drink medicine for the sake of health, a longer-term benefit, even though it is unpleasant and is not what one ones to practise. Therefore, a person may choose an unpleasant means or sacrifice some short-term proceeds, if they believe the end result will benefit them. Socrates (Plato, 2013) besides suggests that "tyrants" practise not only kill or exile people because they want to, but because they think it "conduces to their own good". This demonstrates that all actions, whether they appear selfish or altruistic, good or evil, pleasant or non, are driven by the instinct to benefit oneself.

Socrates further argued that it is confronting man nature to harm oneself knowingly, or get against one'south own cocky interest. In Protagoras (Plato, 1961) he claims that: "No 1 who either knows or believes that in that location is another course of action better than the i he is post-obit will ever continue on his present course when he might choose the amend". In other words, Socrates attributed whatsoever actions that damage the thespian to ignorance or lack of noesis. This position was challenged by Plato (in his later on works) and, fifty-fifty more than and so, by Aristotle (Lemke, 1999). They recognised the existence of "moral weakness". This is when people human activity confronting their best judgement, knowing that something is bad or harmful (maybe even being ashamed of it), but however doing it due to lack of self-control or out of passion. For example, an alcoholic knows the negative consequences of drinking wine, merely does it anyhow, unable to resist. This proposition seems to contradict the idea that nobody does incorrect knowingly, but the two are not mutually exclusive. Moral weakness can be viewed every bit a form of ignorance, like non knowing how to overcome one'due south intemperance.  Or being blinded by pain or passion, perceivable only to the individual, doing the "wrong" thing may seem similar the merely option, and non a pick at all. So, if a person is aware that they are acting wrongly, but unaware of how to overcome internal or external factors forcing them to accept this course of action, they are doing it out of ignorance and not because they choose to harm themselves.

Behavior about what is right behaviour and what is wrong behaviour are known as morality (Merriam-Webster, 2013) and have occupied the minds of philosophers for centuries. When cocky-interest (the greatest motivator) is concerned, people have been known to deed immorally, which appears to contradict the thought that nobody does incorrect knowingly. For instance, if someone was erroneously given more money than they were due, information technology seems that it would in their interest to keep it; but that would be immoral. Withal, information technology is important to understand that Socrates saw no conflict betwixt acting out of self-interest and being moral (Nada, 1985). He believed that the greatest benefit lay non in cloth riches, merely in the "improvement of the soul" (Plato, 1993) and that living a life of virtue resulted in greater pleasance and inner-peace than being unjust or immoral. He saw that those who strive for other pleasures, such as wealth and power, exercise non know where their true interest lies. Therefore, by acting immorally or harming others, they are actually harming themselves even more by detracting from their own virtue and therefore from their ain happiness. Keeping in heed that nobody willingly harms him or herself, acting immorally is a result of ignorance and not knowing where ane's true interests prevarication.

From this we can explain Socrates' viewnobody does incorrect knowingly in the post-obit way: The motivation for whatsoever actions is self-interest and nobody will willingly damage themselves if they know a way non to. Everybody chooses that action which seems all-time at the time of determination. The best kind of self-interest, in Socrates' view, is living a virtuous life, which is the ultimate source of happiness. Therefore, evil actions are a consequence of misguided motivation and lack of agreement of what is the greatest good. Following this logic, those who practise not think virtue is the ultimate self-do good are either misguided or will not necessarily perceive traditionally immoral actions as wrong, as long as they're in line with that which they practice perceive as the greater interest. It is this chain of idea that explains why "There is just i practiced, noesis, and one evil, ignorance" (Diogenes Laertius, 1925) and how it is possible that all wrongdoing is the result of ignorance and lack of understanding rather than the intention to practice wrong.


Diogenes Laertius (1925). Lives of eminent philosophers. London: Westward. Heinemann

Merriam-Webster (2013). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Morality. Retrieved December 12, 2013 from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/morality

Lemke S. W (1999). Moral Weakness and Moral Virtue. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Retrieved December 7, 2013 from http://www.nobts.edu/faculty/itor/lemkesw/personal/aarethics.html .

Nill, M. (1989) Morality and Self Interest in Protagoras Antiphon and Democritus. Leiden, The Netherlands: E. J. Brill.

Plato (Jan 15, 2013). Gorgias. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Gorgias. Retrieved Novmber xxx, 2013 from http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1672/1672-h/1672-h.htm

Plato (1993) The Apology.The Last Days of Socrates. London: Penguin Books Ltd. pp. 37-67.

Plato (1961). The Collected Dialogues of Plato. Edited past Cairns H. and  Hamilton E. Princeton, New Bailiwick of jersey: Princeton University Printing.


Source: https://midnightmediamusings.wordpress.com/2014/06/24/socrates-claim-that-nobody-does-wrong-knowingly-essay/

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