Drawing Fantasy Art Photoshop Tutorials

In this tutorial,I`ll show you how to create a fantasy montage in Photoshop using some stock images and brushes.The tutorial is simple but the final image looks amazing

Have a look!

Materials Needed:

Door image

Pegasus image

Castle image

Trees brush set

Water brush set

Clouds brush set

Step1:Loading the image

Open Photoshop and load into it the door image.


Step 2:Cutting the door

Using the Pen Tool(P) make the selection of the door and stone floor,then paste it back.You observe that there was created a new layer with only the selection.Set the Color Overlay of the layer to white(Layer->Layer Style->Color Overlay).Now hide this layer.


Step 3:Hue/Saturation

Now we`ll make the door black and white.For this,go to Layer->New Adjustments Layer->Hue/Saturation and apply the next settings:


Step 4:Smoothing the door

Because of the cut of the door,the margins are sharp.We`re gonna smooth them a little bit to look nice.For this,create a layer mask for the first layer(Layer->Layer Mask->Reveal All) then with an Airbrush Soft Round paint the margins of the door.Make sure to set the foreground color to black before doing this step because you`ll not see any result if the color is not black.


Step 5:Create a sky

Using the Pen Tool(P) create a selection like in the next image then fill it with a light blue.


Now repeat the step 4 to smooth as well the margins of the blue area.


Download the Clouds Brushes and create a new layer.Select a white foreground color then paint with different clouds the blue area from the image.Use your skills and imagination to create a nice blue sky.Mine looks like in the next picture:


Step 6:Adding water

We`re gonna create a sea where the door was.For this,reveal the layer that you hide at step 2.Download the Water brushes and with a blue color start adding some water like in the picture.


Create a new layer.Then select another water brush and paint again using the same color.


Create a new layer and paint again with the water brush.Use your imagination.You can paint in your own style,not necessary with the brushes indicated by me.Choose whatever you want.In my image,I made like this:


Download the tree brush set.Now using the tree brush paint on the margins of the image some plants.


Step 7

Now in the center of the image is a white area.We`ll fill this area with some clouds.So,grab the brush tool,select some clouds and paint them on the image.Use white and blue clouds to create a more real image.


Step 8

Over the blue clouds,paint some white clouds like in the image:


Step 9:Adding the castle

Download the castle image and using the Pen Tool make the castle selection.After,copy the selection and paste it into the project.


Step 10

Next,applying the step 4,make the margins of the castle and a little bit from it smoother.In the interior of the castle use a brush with a lower opacity.


Step 11

Add an outer glow effect to the castle to look shiny.


Step 12:Adding a tree

Put a tree from the tree brush set near the castle.Creating a layer mask,use a soft brush to make it foggy.


Step 13:The road

Create a new layer and using a soft brush with a lower opacity draw a white road from the castle to the bottom of the image.


Step 14:Waves

From the water brush set,select the waves and with a white color,paint them on the water.


Step15:The pegasus

Download the Pegasus image and with the Pen Tool,cut the horse from the image and paste it into the project.



Step 16

Create a layer mask for the horse and apply the Step 4 to smooth the horse margins.Then apply an outer glow effect for the horse.



The result

We`re done here.Hope you enjoy the tutorial and learned some new techniques.See you next time for another tut.

You can view the final image below.


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Drawing Fantasy Art Photoshop Tutorials

Source: https://deliciousthemes.com/create-a-fantasy-illustration-in-photoshop/

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